Medicopy Records Request Information

PrimeCare Family Practice has partnered with MediCopy to fulfill your Disability/FMLA Forms.

MediCopy is fully HIPAA compliant and adheres to all state and federal regulations concerning form completion.

Costs are $30 for the first form and $15 for each additional form turned in at the same time.

What To Expect

1. Deliver your form(s) to the PrimeCare office. Your form(s) will then be sent to MediCopy for completion.
Payment is not due at this time.

2. Approximately one business day later, MediCopy will send you an invoice.  Forms cannot be completed prior to payment. Please provide an email address if available as this will expedite the process.

3. Once payment is received, MediCopy will complete your form(s) within three business days. Forms will be
completed based on information in your chart.

4. Upon completion, forms will be sent to the designated requesting party.

For more information or questions contact MediCopy at 866.587.6274 or by email at

To access an online form to have FMLA, Disability or other forms completed on your behalf click here: Form Completion Request Form

Read MediCopy Frequently Asked Questions here:  FAQ

To access an online form to request records click here: Record Request Form

To access an online form to have FMLA, Disability or other forms completed on your behalf click here:  Form Completion Request Form

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